版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
You can take your notes fast and easy with Notun notebook. You can add reminders, write your notes, translate your texts and notes with speaking option.
Pro: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Xeasec.STT.License
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You can take notes with Notun, you can add your notes with the translate voice to text feature. You can add reminders.
You can take your notes, add your notes with translating from your voice.
Take notes, notepad app
Add reminders
List your favorite notes
Translate notes*
Speech to Text
Translate text with talking*
Translate voice to text
Share notes
Sent notes via message and e mail
List view: List, Card
Pro version:
[Pro] Encrypted login: Assign password.
[Pro] Abolish limit in translating.
[Pro] Abolish related ads and publicity.
Classifications and related descriptions:
*There is a limit for every opening in converting feature in this version. (Application limited with two times translate using in every activate.)
*Translation feature works via related site.
If you see inappropriate ads, let us know, we will examine and delete.
Please notify us demands and problems.
Additional informations:
Speak Write feature requires internet connection.